Tropical Park Temperature by Month
This graph shows the average minimum and maximum temperatures throughout the year in Tropical Park (Belize Province), Belize. The minimum temperature is often recorded between 4 AM and 6 AM, while the highest temperature is usually reached at 3 PM. During this time the sun's heating effect is the strongest.
Temperature patterns do vary with the seasons. In winter, the time of minimum and maximum temperatures can shift slightly compared to summer.
- The months of January, February, November and December have nice average temperatures.
- On average, the temperatures are always high.
- On average, the warmest month is May with 32°C.
- On average, the coolest month is January with 28°C.
- The average annual maximum temperature is 31°C.
- The average annual minimum temperature is 24°C.
Current temperature in Tropical Park
partly cloudy and rain
partly cloudy and rain
partly cloudy and rain