Average Rainy - Precipitation days in Hpa-an
With 147 days and 3699 mm of annual rain, Hpa-an has a moderate precipitation pattern. On this page, you can learn everything about the number of precipitation days.
Monthly Distribution of Rainy Days
July is usually the wettest with 841 mm of rain over 28 rainy days, whereas February averages 4.3 mm during its a single rainy day.
Amsterdam Precipitation Days Compared World Wide
On average, Hpa-an receives over 147 days of precipitation annually. For comparison, here is some data from popular tourist destinations around the world:Las Vegas, USA, gets about 26 precipitation days annually, which is typical for its arid desert climate.
In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, the city experiences around 212 precipitation days annually, consistent with its tropical rainforest climate.
In Athens, Greece, it rains around 70 days in the year; therefore, it is one of the driest Mediterranean cities, mainly dominated by winter rainfall.
Boston, USA, experiences 134 precipitation days annually, including significant snow during winter.
Buenos AiresBuenos Aires, Argentina, has around 92 precipitation days annually, mostly during the summer months.
Adelaide, Australia, records about 86 precipitation days per year, with dry summers and wet winters.
Rain Facts From Around the Globe
Let’s explore more fascinating precipitation records:
- Tutunendo, Colombia, gets about 340 days of rain every year, which arguably makes it the wettest place in the world.
- On Réunion Island, a tropical cyclone generated 1825 mm in just 24 hours.
- Singapore receives thunder on 167 days in the year and is considered one of the most thunderous cities in the world.
- The smallest drops that fall are called drizzle drops, and they have a diameter of 0.5 mm.
- Some heavy storms generate "diamond dust," which consists of very small ice crystals that float in the air.
For more detailed information about rainfall patterns in Hpa-an, visit our Rainfall & Precipitation page.