Average Rainy - Precipitation days in Chovellén
With 49 days and 829 mm of annual rain, Chovellén has a moderate precipitation pattern. On this page, you can learn everything about the number of precipitation days.
Monthly Distribution of Rainy Days
June is usually the wettest with 205 mm of rain over 6 rainy days, whereas January averages 5.2 mm during its 3 rainy days.
Amsterdam Precipitation Days Compared World Wide
On average, Chovellén receives over 49 days of precipitation annually. For comparison, here is some data from popular tourist destinations around the world:Las Vegas, USA, gets about 26 precipitation days annually, which is typical for its arid desert climate.
In Bogotá, Colombia, there are around 188 precipitation days annually, typical for its high-altitude tropical climate.
The city of Rome, Italy, averages 131 precipitation days annually, spread fairly evenly throughout the year.
The climate in San Francisco, USA, sees around 70 precipitation days annually, mostly during the winter months.
Beijing, China, averages 72 precipitation days annually, concentrated in the summer months.
In Brisbane, Australia, the city averages 123 precipitation days per year, making it wetter than Sydney.
Rain Facts From Around the Globe
Here are some amazing facts about rain and precipitation worldwide:
- Cherrapunji, India, records an average of 322 rainy days each year. Despite this, the wettest place is Mount Waialeale in Hawaii with 11500 mm annual rainfall.
- The fastest recorded raindrop fell at 18 meters per second during a thunderstorm in Brazil.
- The Atacama Desert in Chile is so dry that some weather stations have never recorded rainfall since their installation.
- The largest recorded raindrop measured 8.8 mm in diameter during a tropical storm on La Réunion Island.
- Some clouds can weigh up to 500,000 tons, that's equivalent to the weight of 100 elephants.
For more detailed information about rainfall patterns in Chovellén, visit our Rainfall & Precipitation page.