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Climate and Weather of French Guiana

French Guiana has tropical monsoon climate with a lot of precipitation throughout the year. There is a clear drier period and a long rainy season.The temperature in French Guiana is virtually all year around the tropical value of 30°C. In the dry season it is usually slightly warmer as the sun shines much more. At night the mercury drops well after midnight to a minimum value of approximately 23°C to 24°C.

In the highlands of the Tumuk Humak mountains in the south of French Guiana it can be slightly cooler. The large amounts of rainfall and high temperatures provide a very high humidity so it may feel very clammy in French Guiana. This tropical dampness is experienced throughout the year.

Are you interested in more detailed information for various cities in French Guiana?
Please select the city you plan to visit, or one closest to your destination. For each selected city, you will see the following graphs:
1. Yearly average minimum and maximum temperatures
2. Monthly averages of precipitation throughout the year (rainfall, snow etc)
3. Monthly average hours of sunshine throughout the year

Additionally, some pages provide historical weather data such as humidity, wind speed, and water temperature.

Popular places in French Guiana

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