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Kościan Climate by Month

The graphs below provide an overview of the climate in Kościan (Greater Poland), Poland. They present long-term patterns and averages of weather conditions over a 30-year period.

Average day and night temperature

The mean minimum and maximum temperatures over the year.

Monthly precipitation

The mean monthly precipitation over the year, including rain, snow, hail etc.

Forecast for Kościan

Fri   Oct 25
19°C | 6°C
S 14 km/h
almost clear and no rain

almost clear and no rain

Sat   Oct 26
18°C | 6°C
SE 7 km/h
almost clear and no rain

almost clear and no rain

Sun   Oct 27
18°C | 7°C
S 14 km/h
almost clear and no rain

almost clear and no rain

The best time of year to visit Kościan in Poland

During the months of May, June, July, August and September you are most likely to experience good weather with pleasant average temperatures that fall between 20°C and 26°C.

Other facts from our historical weather data:

  • Which is the warmest month in Kościan?
    July has an average maximum temperature of 26°C and is the warmest month of the year.
  • Which is the coldest month in Kościan?
    The coldest month is January with an average maximum temperature of 3°C.
  • Which is the wettest month in Kościan?
    July tops the wettest month list with 92 mm of rainfall.
  • Which is the driest month in Kościan?
    April is the driest month with 39 mm of precipitation.
  • Which is the sunniest month in Kościan?
    July is the sunniest month with an average of 268 hours of sunshine.

  • No idea where to travel to this year? We have a tool that recommends destinations based on your ideal conditions. Find out where to go with our weather planner.