Weather by month in Aysen
Aysen is a region in Chile. Many people wonder what the weather conditions are in Aysen over the year. What is the best time to visit Aysen?
This page shows the average weather conditions by month in Aysen over the year in: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.
Aysen in January
In January the weather in Aysen ranges from poor in Puerto Aisén to pleasant in Chile Chico. January is a summer month. The temperatures range from low in Villa O'Higgins with 11°C to pleasant in Chile Chico with 19°C.
Find more detailed climate information for Aysen in January here.

Aysen in February
In February the weather in Aysen ranges from poor in Puerto Aisén to pleasant in Chile Chico. February is a summer month. The temperatures range from moderate in Villa O'Higgins with 12°C to pleasant in Chile Chico with 19°C. On average, this month is the warmest month of the year in Aysen.
Find more detailed climate information for Aysen in February here.

Aysen in March
In March the weather in Aysen ranges from poor in Puerto Aisén to tolerable in Chile Chico. The temperatures range from low in Villa O'Higgins with 10°C to moderate in Chile Chico with 16°C.
Find more detailed climate information for Aysen in March here.

Aysen in April
In April the weather in Aysen ranges from poor in Coihaique to unpleasant in Chile Chico. The temperatures range from low in Villa O'Higgins with 7°C to moderate in Chile Chico with 13°C.
Find more detailed climate information for Aysen in April here.

Aysen in May
In May the weather in Aysen is generally poor. The average maximum daytime temperatures are low and range from 3°C in Villa O'Higgins to 9°C in La Junta.
Find more detailed climate information for Aysen in May here.

Aysen in June
In June the weather in Aysen is generally poor. June is a winter month. The temperatures range from very low in Villa O'Higgins with 1°C to low in Chile Chico with 6°C. It is a very cold month in some areas, so be prepared and make sure to dress up warm.
Find more detailed climate information for Aysen in June here.

Aysen in July
In July the weather in Aysen is generally poor. July is a winter month. The temperatures range from very low in Villa O'Higgins with 0°C to low in Chile Chico with 6°C. On average, this month is one of the coldest months of the year in Aysen. So be prepared and make sure to dress up warm.
Find more detailed climate information for Aysen in July here.

Aysen in August
In August the weather in Aysen is generally poor. August is a winter month. The average maximum daytime temperatures are low and range from 2°C in Villa O'Higgins to 7°C in La Junta.
Find more detailed climate information for Aysen in August here.

Aysen in September
In September the weather in Aysen is generally poor. The average maximum daytime temperatures are low and range from 4°C in Villa O'Higgins to 9°C in La Junta.
Find more detailed climate information for Aysen in September here.

Aysen in October
In October the weather in Aysen ranges from poor in Coihaique to unpleasant in Chile Chico. The average maximum daytime temperatures are low and range from 6°C in Villa O'Higgins to 11°C in La Junta.
Find more detailed climate information for Aysen in October here.

Aysen in November
In November the weather in Aysen ranges from poor in Coihaique to tolerable in Chile Chico. The temperatures range from low in Villa O'Higgins with 7°C to moderate in Chile Chico with 14°C.
Find more detailed climate information for Aysen in November here.

Aysen in December
In December the weather in Aysen ranges from poor in Puerto Aisén to tolerable in Chile Chico. December is a summer month. The temperatures range from low in Villa O'Higgins with 9°C to moderate in Chile Chico with 17°C.
Find more detailed climate information for Aysen in December here.