Top Things to Do in Moab: Hiking, Rafting, and Exploring Red Rock Country

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Situaded in spectacular desert terrain, so remote that Butch Cassidy deemed it the perfect hiding spot, lies Moab, the latest destination for mountain hikers. The town’s unexpected popularity can be attributed to its riverbed joggers, rock climbers, and adrenaline junkies in general. Founded in 1855 by Mormons near the Jordan—a treeless valley in the shadow of some of the world’s most stunning rock formations—Moab relied for decades on small-scale uranium mining. Once the miners and drilling rigs departed, Moab was all but forgotten, until adventurous travelers rediscovered it and began using the town as a base for exploring the surrounding area.

Canyonlands, Utah's largest national park, lies just outside Moab, with entrances 56 km (34 miles) southwest and 48 km (29.8 miles) northwest of the town. Hundreds of kilometers of unpaved roads wind through its surreal, colorful landscape of mesas, plateaus, spires, arches, rock peaks, and deep canyons. Arches National Park, located 8 km (5 miles) northeast of Moab, is a photographer’s paradise, boasting over 2,000 arches sculpted by natural forces. Both parks feature around 30 km (19 miles) of paved roads leading to some of the most scenic viewpoints.

Just outside Moab, the 16-km (10 miles) long Slickrock Trail offers a thrilling, rollercoaster-like experience through a moonscape of eroded sandstone, with magnificent views of the Colorado River below.

Local companies offer multi-day camping trips, or ensure that off-road vehicles accompany hikers, providing food, unlimited water (crucial in the harsh desert heat), first aid supplies, and showers. Whitewater rafting, either on a raft or in a kayak, is excellent on the quieter parts of the Colorado River near Moab, with Class II and IV rapids just a day away. Regardless of your adventure, it’s important to book well in advance: since the 1990s, Moab’s secret has been out, and even with new hotels and B&Bs, the town struggles to keep up with the influx of tourists. Longtime visitors still flock to the 1970s-style Gonzo Inn, located near Main Street.

WHERE: 380 km southeast of Salt Lake City. Moab has a visitor center:


BEST TIME: March to late May, and mid-September to early November, offer the best hiking weather (though these are also the busiest times). Explore more climate conditions here. The week before Easter is ideal for the Jeep Safari, while mid-October hosts the four-day Fat Tire Festival.

This article was last updated on September 08, 2024.