Go camping in someone's backyard

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If you like camping than we found the perfect site for you. It is called Campspace and on this site private individuals offer a place 'in their backyard', which is sometimes particularly large. A little surfing on the website will take you to unique places in nature. Sometimes that is someone's gigantic backyard and sometimes that is between the alpacas in the meadow. You can compare the platform with Airbnb.

The platform started in the Netherlands, but you will find camping spots from all over the world, even in Hawaii and New Zealand. The Dutch startup sees demand explode: in May - June 2020, the number of bookings increased by more than 550% compared to the same period last year. Almost 70% of these travelers are younger than 40 and want to escape the busy daily life while camping. The offer is mainly aimed at the camper who wants to enjoy nature undisturbed and who values ​​a unique experience. Mass camping is not one of them.

What we also love is that the hosts are not doing it to earn money. They are in love with their land and would now like to provide a solution for people who want to escape the city. The prices are low: for example forty euros a night you can sleep a retro caravan in the east of Holland. Have a look for yourself at Campspace.com.

This article was last updated on November 03, 2022.