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Be amazed by the Altai mountains

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There are around 20,000 rivers with a total length of 60,000 km, and around 7,000 lakes in the Altai Mountains. This mountain range spans Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, and a small part of China. It is the center of Eurasia, where Siberia and Central Asia converge, making it a unique location with many possibilities that virtually no other place can match.

The Altai region is extremely rich in natural beauty. The flora of the area consists of more than 2,000 species, with a large number of endemic plants. Many rare and endangered animals live here, including the elusive snow leopard and the argali (mountain sheep), and it is a habitat for more than 300 species of birds. The Altai Mountains are a sparsely populated area that most tourists have yet to discover. Definitely bucket list material for the adventurous travelers among us.

The few travelers who visit the Altai typically travel from Novosibirsk in Russia or from Ulgii or Hovd in Mongolia. To the east lies the Kazakh part of the Central Asian Altai Mountains. High mountains are interspersed with green valleys, wild rivers, and calm lakes. There are a few places you could use as a base for your travels in Kazakhstan. The first is the village of Uryl, located about 50 kilometers from the border with Russia, between Lake Markakol and Belukha. The city of Öskemen is also a good starting point to explore the area.

What to do

The variety of landscapes and climates in the Altai region makes it possible to engage in almost all types of outdoor sports: hiking, backpacking, rafting, kayaking, and mountain climbing. Jeep riding, horse riding, and rafting are also available in the area.

Best time to visit

We recommend visiting the Altai Mountains from late spring to early autumn, which is from May until October. Kazakhstan has warm and rainy summers and long cold winters (November-March). The winters can be harsh, so we don't recommend visiting the mountain range in winter.

Where to stay

Öskemen is a good starting point to explore the area. However, it is important to know that in the post-war period, this city was closed to foreigners due to atomic bomb testing in the area. The existence of the factories that produced uranium products was kept secret, even though thousands of people worked there. An explosion in the production line in 1990 led to the spreading of a poisoned cloud over the city. Its impact on health is not well known because the incident was initially kept secret. The best hotel in town is called Royal B. On, they have an average rating of 9.2.

This article was last updated on August 20, 2024.