Climate and Weather of Liechtenstein
Liechtenstein has a temperate alpine climate. This means warm, wet summers and mild winters. Average monthly temperatures range from -1°C in January to 21°C in July. The average annual precipitation / rainfall is about 1000 mm, and is quite evenly distributed over the entire year. The climate is often modified by a warm, dry southerly wind.The best travel time for a holiday in Liechtenstein is from mid-May to mid-September. This is the wettest period in Liechtenstein, but this is also the season with the most pleasant temperatures.
Are you interested in more detailed information for various cities in Liechtenstein?
Please select the city you plan to visit, or one closest to your destination. For each selected city, you will see the following graphs:
1. Yearly average minimum and maximum temperatures
2. Monthly averages of precipitation throughout the year (rainfall, snow etc)
3. Monthly average hours of sunshine throughout the year
Additionally, some pages provide historical weather data such as humidity, wind speed, and water temperature.