Climate and Weather of Kosovo
Kosovo has a temperate climate with fairly hot summers and fairly cool winters. Measured over the whole year the winters are slightly wetter than the summers.The best travel time for Kosovo is from May to September. In the month of May it can still be on the chilly side in the mountains, but it is often already pleasant in the lower areas. The summer months of July and August can be a great time to. It can be pleasantly warm and show stable weather for days. However, it can also get seriously hot with sometimes heavy thunderstorms at the end of a tropical period.
Are you interested in more detailed information for various cities in Kosovo?
Please select the city you plan to visit, or one closest to your destination. For each selected city, you will see the following graphs:
1. Yearly average minimum and maximum temperatures
2. Monthly averages of precipitation throughout the year (rainfall, snow etc)
3. Monthly average hours of sunshine throughout the year
Additionally, some pages provide historical weather data such as humidity, wind speed, and water temperature.