Climate and Weather of Jarvis Island
Because of its location close to the Equator (just slightly south of it), Jarvis Island experiences a tropical climate. This climate is characterized by consistently warm temperatures and high humidity levels throughout the year.The average maximum daytime temperatures usually range between 25°C and 29°C. Due to its equatorial location there is little seasonal variation in temperature.
Even though Jarvis Island has a tropical climate, it is still quite dry, receiving only about 1000 mm of rainfall annually. Rainfall can be erratic.
The region experiences steady easterly trade winds. The trade winds bring some level of consistency in the weather, despite its generally unpredictable rain patterns. While the island is situated in a region that can experience tropical storms and cyclones, it is not frequently impacted by severe weather events. When such storms do occur, they can bring heavy rain, strong winds, and huge waves.
Being close to the equator, Jarvis Island enjoys a significant amount of sunlight year-round.
Are you interested in more detailed information for various cities in Jarvis Island?
Please select the city you plan to visit, or one closest to your destination. For each selected city, you will see the following graphs:
1. Yearly average minimum and maximum temperatures
2. Monthly averages of precipitation throughout the year (rainfall, snow etc)
3. Monthly average hours of sunshine throughout the year
Additionally, some pages provide historical weather data such as humidity, wind speed, and water temperature.