Average humidity in Andé
On this page you find more information about the monthly relative humidity over the year in Andé (Upper Normandy), France.
Andé shows variation in the level of humidity throughout the year. The highest humidity is noted duing December, it reaches up to 91%, which is categorized as very high. On the other hand, the lowest humidity is recorded in April, with levels falling to 78%.
The average humidity in Andé is approximately 84%, which is very high.
Humidity is an essential factor in the way you experience temperatures. During warmer months, a high level of humidity results in a higher feel temperature. This can cause greater discomfort, while in winter it can make the air feel much colder, adding to the cooler temperatures. Check out our detailed temperature page for more information..
Forecast for Andé
overcast and no rain
broken clouds and small chance of slight rain
partly cloudy and rain