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Hokitika Climate by Month

The graphs below provide an overview of the climate in Hokitika (West Coast), New Zealand. They present long-term patterns and averages of weather conditions over a 30-year period.

Average day and night temperature

The mean minimum and maximum temperatures over the year.

Monthly precipitation

The mean monthly precipitation over the year, including rain, snow, hail etc.

Forecast for Hokitika

Tue   Oct 22
17°C | 12°C
W 18 km/h
3.8 mm
broken clouds and  chance of rain

broken clouds and chance of rain

Wed   Oct 23
17°C | 12°C
NW 18 km/h
5.9 mm
broken clouds and rain

broken clouds and rain

Thu   Oct 24
16°C | 12°C
N 29 km/h
52 mm
overcast and heavy rain

overcast and heavy rain

The best time of year to visit Hokitika in New Zealand

The average rainfall figures in Hokitika are quite high. Throughout the year, you have a chance of prolonged precipitation. So no matter what time of year you go, you will always have to deal with a high number of rainy days. This makes it more challenging to point out the best time of year to visit. If we needed to pick one month we would choose January which is the sunniest month of the year.

Other facts from our historical weather data:

  • Which is the warmest month in Hokitika?
    February has an average maximum temperature of 20°C and is the warmest month of the year.
  • Which is the coldest month in Hokitika?
    The coldest month is July with an average maximum temperature of 12°C.
  • Which is the wettest month in Hokitika?
    December tops the wettest month list with 345 mm of rainfall.
  • Which is the driest month in Hokitika?
    July is the driest month with 222 mm of precipitation.
  • Which is the sunniest month in Hokitika?
    January is the sunniest month with an average of 211 hours of sunshine.

  • No idea where to travel to this year? We have a tool that recommends destinations based on your ideal conditions. Find out where to go with our weather planner.